
Garbage City

The rubbish bins are an omnipresent element of street furniture. They go unnoticed. It is amazing how our mind blocks what it does not want to see. So the trash moves into the imaginary world of our worst dreams.


Garbage City

I bidoni della spazzatura sono un elemento di arredo urbano omnipresente. Eppure quasi non ce ne accorgiamo. E’ impressionante come la nostra mente riesca a rimuovere quello che non vogliamo vedere. La spazzatura si trasferisce così nel mondo immaginario dei nostri peggiori sogni.


Garbage City

Abfallbehälter sind ein allgegenwärtiger Teil des Stadtbildes den wir fast nicht mehr wahrnehmen. Es ist Überraschend wie wir verdrängen was wir nicht sehen wollen. Der Abfall dominiert deshalb die Phantasiewelt unserer schlimmsten Albträume.

April 2011


Testa di c...
Carne sintetica
Last generation
Bat wings
Eat the world
Green heart
The crucifixion of the green virgin
The suspicious handbag
The green bomb in Florence
Light my fire
Milk whales
Real milk
new God
stone age
big bang
Artificial intelligence
Mille anni di luci 2.100
Il tamburino
Verro grezzo
Die Umweltsau
Lumber Buggy
Otto Normalverbraucher
Greta sail to America
Coal freak
Tiger mosquito
Wild hog
Cambiamenti climatici
And what about your footprint?
Go green
Carbon footprint
The good family father
Hunting Federation
The happy decrease
Fly more
Happy growth
Back to the roots
Eat the world
The hunter
Salvatore di Napoli
Garbage City
Welcome to Japan
No waste
sport hunting
Traffic jam in China
Refresh your mind
Eco isle
cappuccetto rosso
Duracell lasts longer
Norbert Niessen illustrated stories