
Real milk

Blue whale milk tastes like real milk because it is. Start enjoying milk every day, fresh from Grönlands healthy whales, full of calcium and enriched with antibiotics to help your little ones be big as a true blue giant.
Origin declarations: better not known


Latte vero

Il latte “Blue whale” ha il sapore del vero latte perché lo è. Ricomincia a goderti il latte ogni giorno, fresco dalle balene sane di Groenlandia, pieno di calcio e arricchito con antibiotici per aiutare i tuoi piccoli a diventare grandi come un vero gigante blu.
Dichiarazioni di origine: meglio non saperle


Echte Milch

Blauwalmilch schmeckt wie echte Milch, weil sie es ist. Genieße jeden Tag die frische Milch von Grönlands gesunden Walen, voller Kalzium und angereichert mit Antibiotika, damit Ihre Kleinen so groß werden wie ein echter blauer Riese.
Ursprungserklärungen: besser nicht zu wissen

March 2021


Testa di c...
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Verro grezzo
Die Umweltsau
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And what about your footprint?
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Happy growth
Back to the roots
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The hunter
Salvatore di Napoli
Garbage City
Welcome to Japan
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sport hunting
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