
Bella Napoli

Finally an answer to the garbage problem in Naples. No one had thought to exploit the Vesuvius as a natural incinerator. When burning the rubbish you get that typical plume as from tourist postcards. And if the volcano explodes? The rain of garbage is better than ashes.


Bella Napoli

Finalmente una risposta al problema della spazzatura a Napoli! Nessuno aveva ancora pensato a sfruttare il Vesuvio come inceneritore naturale. Quando la spazzatura brucia si ottiene un caratteristico pennacchio da cartolina turistica. E se il vulcano esplode? Sempre meglio che piove spazzatura al posto della cenere.


Bella Napoli

Endlich haben wir eine Lösung für das Problem des Abfalls in Neapel gefunden. Weshalb hat bis jetzt niemand daran gedacht den Vesuv als natürliche Müllverbrennungsanlage zu benutzen? Wenn der Abfall brennt ergibt es Rauchfahne mit Postkartenidylle. Sollte der Vulkan explodieren ist es immer noch besser wenn es Abfall regnet anstatt von Asche.

October 2010


Kill kill
Corona bar
anmals maremma
Italy no global
Saluti da Marina
Toro Maremmano
La foca monaca
Maria militare
Tribal fashion
Oil drilling
Virtual reality
The stranded whale
Home sweet home
Mediterranean summer
Nataly Trash
Roma Rom
xtreme family
Back to mother Russia
Italian family
Land of fire
Christmas Peace and Love
Flower power
Greetings from Maremma
The Pope at Lampedusua island
Escort service in Rome
Petriolo after petrol
The hunter
Barbecue grill
Euro burner
The great Rome
The seven hills
Happy Christmas 2011
Bella vita privat beach
The Italian wall
Meat show
Vu Cumpra
Italy zero
Visit Tuscany
Eco Monster
Happy Christmas
November rain
Bella Napoli
Little Goa
Seals on the beach
Puntala beach
Maglificio Pratese
Pizza on the bridge
Norbert Niessen illustrated stories