Little Goa

Little Goa

I am closing the 2010 sea side season with this drawing dedicated to the faithful people of Little Goa, a stretch of beach between Castiglione and Rocchette, which has retained its charm for 30 years.


Little Goa

Con questo disegno, dedicato ai fedeli abitanti di Little Goa, un tratto di spiaggia tra Castiglione e Rocchette che ha saputo mantenere il suo fascino da 30 anni, chiudo la stagione di mare 2010.


Little Goa

Mit dieser Zeichnung die Ich den treuen Bewohnern von Little Goa widme, einem Strand zwischen Castiglione und Rochette, der seine Originalität beibehalten hat, schließe Ich die Badesaison 2010.

September 2010


Kill kill
Corona bar
anmals maremma
Italy no global
Saluti da Marina
Toro Maremmano
La foca monaca
Maria militare
Tribal fashion
Oil drilling
Virtual reality
The stranded whale
Home sweet home
Mediterranean summer
Nataly Trash
Roma Rom
xtreme family
Back to mother Russia
Italian family
Land of fire
Christmas Peace and Love
Flower power
Greetings from Maremma
The Pope at Lampedusua island
Escort service in Rome
Petriolo after petrol
The hunter
Barbecue grill
Euro burner
The great Rome
The seven hills
Happy Christmas 2011
Bella vita privat beach
The Italian wall
Meat show
Vu Cumpra
Italy zero
Visit Tuscany
Eco Monster
Happy Christmas
November rain
Bella Napoli
Little Goa
Seals on the beach
Puntala beach
Maglificio Pratese
Pizza on the bridge
Norbert Niessen illustrated stories