
Gorilla in love

The xenophobic and populist politician Calderoli* is being chased by a gay gorilla in love to learn the difference between a monkey and the minister Kyenge**.
*known for his racist and homophobic statements he leads his pig there, where mosques should be built and he is the author of the “porcellum”, the Italian electoral law.
**Italian Minister of African origin.


Il gorilla in amore

Calderoli*, politico populista e xenofobo, viene inseguito da un gorilla gay in amore. Comprenderà, finalmente, la differenza tra una scimmia ed il ministro Kyenge**?
(idea dalla lettera di Natale di Luciana Littizzetto) *conosciuto per le sue dichiarazioni razziste e omofobe, passeggia con il suo maiale nei luoghi dove dovrebbero essere costruite moschee ed è l’autore del “porcellum”, la famosa legge elettorale italiana
**Ministro italiano di origine africana


Der verliebte Gorilla

Der rechtspolpuläre Politiker Calderoli* von der Lega Nord, wird von einem verliebten homosexuellen Gorilla verfolgt damit er den Unterschied zwischen einem Affen und dem Minister Kyenge** lernt.
*bekannt für seine rassistischen und homophoben Äußerungen führt er sein Schwein dort aus wo Moscheen gebaut werden sollen und ist Autor des als Schweinerei bekannten italienischen Wahlgesetzes.
**italienische Ministerin afrikanischer Abstammung.

January 2014


Dio denaro
Bellezza neolitica
Radical Chic
Il popolo alla sagra
Mamma Africa
Welcome to meraviglia
Welcome poster
L'ideale femminile
Sostituzione etnica
Inno alla gioia
Happy Birthday
the kisser
The leader
allowable amount
No vax battle
The health dictatorship
American Queen
The Mexican wall
Governo ladro
american Bunga Bunga
The Messiah of the insane
The bomber
adopt an immigrant
immigration inverse
Mangiare country
Nostra cosa vostra
Modern slaves
The barbarian invasion
Gorilla in love
Dreaming of Europe
The abyss
Sheep in queue
Holy Silvio
The Queen
San Peccatore
Italy out of the Euro
The intelligent rocket
Halve the parliamentarians
F 35 low cost
American kids
The Italian miracle
Avanti popolo
The government of technicians
The government of comedians
Home sweet home
The money-eater
Bunga Bunga Berlux
The indignant kids
Italy bankrupted
The ox people
Canna Bar
The porcellum
Training for the golden years
More fire with lira
Infinite growth
Pest control in Rome
The holy whoremonger
The hunger in the world
Papi on the cross
The women of the Premier
Bella Napoli
Bunga Bunga
Save the Euro
Norbert Niessen illustrated stories